Employee Benefit Solutions
what we do - Institutional solutions
Our Employee Benefit Solutions allow you to secure the future of your most valuable asset – your employees.
The SavInvest Group Retirement Fund is a long term investment which has been designed for Companies who are seeking a convenient and cost effective method to either provide retirement benefits for their employees or to augment present retirement benefits.
This Fund is the ideal solution for small to mid-size companies who do not have any pension plan in place for their staff and/or companies’ Executives, and Management who pay large amounts of Income Tax on their bonus payments.
The Fund seeks to offer an above average return over the long term . This is achieved by investing primarily in a diversified portfolio of debt and short term securities of private and public issues. The Fund also invests in equities and other select securities in companies and industries with good growth potential and no prescribed restrictions on asset allocation, country or currency.
- Tax Benefits – Aggregate contributions made by your Company on your behalf together with contributions made by you to individual deferred annuity plans and NIS are TAX FREE once they do not exceed 1/3 of your chargeable income or 20% of your gross emolument.
- Potential for Superior Returns – The Fund is a balanced portfolio and is well diversified in investments in different securities and also in TT and US currencies.
- Accumulation of wealth – The higher the contribution level, the higher will be the plan value at maturity.
- Cost Effective – There are no upfront charges. 100% of your contributions begin working for you from DAY ONE, unlike other deferred annuity and pension fund plans.
- Selection of Annuity provider of choice – At maturity, you have the benefit of selecting an annuity provider you feel most comfortable with.
- Plan your Estate – You can appoint or change your beneficiary at any time throughout the life of the Plan. Should you die prior to the maturity, the full value of your Plan will be paid to your beneficiary – tax exempt.
- Professional Investment Management – Your retirement portfolio is actively monitored and managed by a highly qualified team of investment professionals.
In addition to enjoying all the benefits of the SavInvest Group Retirement Fund, your Company contributing on your behalf would also be able to.
The Maturity date may be anytime between the ages of 50 to 70. Once the maturity date is selected, your Company can opt to have this changed by simply completing the required form on your behalf.
Your Company selects the contribution levels and frequency made on your behalf. Your Company can make amendments as your financial needs change by simply completing the required form.
At maturity, you have the benefit of selecting an annuity provider you feel most comfortable with.
On the maturity date of your Group Retirement Fund you will receive based on your Plan Value the following.
25% as a tax free cash lump sum
75% purchase of an immediate annuity which will generate a monthly income for life.
100% of the Plan Value will be used to purchase of an immediate annuity which will generate monthly income for life.
The Annuity provides you with income for life
One may select: Period certain- 5, 10 or 15 years (whereby the beneficiary is guaranteed to receive payments up to specified period following death) Should you outlive the period selected, you will continue to receive payments until death.
There is also the Guaranteed Period to select from: 0, 5, 10 or 15 years. This means that for the period that you have selected, your beneficiary is guaranteed to receive payments following your death, up to the period selected. Should you outlive the period selected, you will continue to receive payments until death.
The cost of establishing and administering your pension plan could be a burden. However, investing in the SavInvest Group Retirement Fund on behalf of your employees would allow for a seamless flow in providing retirement benefits for your employees.
All administrative cost are absorbed by the Fund and its Returns are declared net of fees. The Fund can only be charged up to a maximum of 3% of its Net Asset Value.
All contributions made by your Company on behalf of your employees are fully deductible as a company expense.
Quarterly statements of your employee’s plan value
Annual Contribution letters for TD1 and TD4 Income Tax purposes for your employees
Access to information on the fund’s net asset valuations/prices/financials on our website
Highest standard of personalized customer service
The minimum amount is $200.00 per month.
Flexible scheduled contribution levels – (eg. monthly, quarterly, annually or lump sum amounts). Contribution levels and terms of payment are determined by the Employer.
Your Company can do transactions at Bourse Securities Limited or at any branch of First Citizens Bank Limited. New investor companies should come into Bourse to transact business.
- Manager’s cheques
- Wire transfer of funds
- Direct deposits at any of First Citizens Bank Limited
- Standing order arrangements or salary deductions for employees of the company.
No withdrawals are allowed on this Plan.
SavInvest Group Retirement Fund
- SavInvest Group Retirement Fund – 31st December 2024
- SavInvest Group Retirement Fund – 30 June 2024
- SavInvest Group Retirement Fund – 31st December 2023
- SavInvest Group Retirement Fund – 30th June 2023
- SavInvest Group Retirement Fund – 31st December 2022
- SavInvest Group Retirement Fund – 30th June 2022
- SavInvest Group Retirement Fund – 31st December 2021
- SavInvest Group Retirement Fund – 30th June 2021
- SavInvest Group Retirement Fund – 31st December 2020
- SavInvest Group Retirement Fund – 30th June 2020
- SavInvest Group Retirement Fund – 31st December 2019
- SavInvest Individual and Group Retirement Funds – 30th June 2019
- SavInvest Individual and Group Retirement Funds – 31st December 2018
- Savinvest Group Retirement Fund Interim Financials – June 2018
- SavInvest Individual and Group Retirement Funds – 31st December 2017
- SavInvest Group Retirement Fund – 31st December, 2016
- SavInvest Individual and Group Retirement Funds – 31st December 2015
Quarterly Portfolio Statements
- SavInvest Group Retirement Fund Quarterly Portfolio Statement – December 31 2024
- SavInvest Group Retirement Fund Quarterly Portfolio Statement – September 30 2024
- SavInvest Group Retirement Fund Quarterly Portfolio Statement – June 30 2024
- SavInvest Group Retirement Fund Quarterly Portfolio Statement – March 31 2024
- Savinvest Group Retirement Fund Quarterly Portfolio Statement – December 31 2023
apply now
Interested investors can call 1-868-226-8773 or send an email to sales@boursefinancial.com.
You can also invest using.
- Manager’s cheques
- Wire transfer of funds
- Direct deposits at any of First Citizens Bank Limited
- Standing order arrangements or salary deductions which can be done through your bankers
The contents of this Prospectus are qualified in their entirety by the detailed provision of the Trust Deed.
Click here to download Group Retirement Plan Prospectus.